Data Protection and Cookies Policy

Data Protection Statement

The responsible party within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the EU Member States, as well as other data protection regulations, is:
SARK Design and Engineering Ltd. | tel.: +359 42 64 20 88 | e-mail: |
Our data protection officer is reachable at:

We kindly invite you to read our Privacy Policy that applies both in case you access the website and decide to browse through it without purchasing any product, and in case you decide to make some purchases.
This Data Protection Statement explains what information we collect from you, why we collect it, and how we protect it. It also summarises your rights and tells you how you can exercise those rights.
However, this policy does not apply to information about you collected by third party websites that may post links or advertisements on or otherwise be accessible from our website. The information collected by these third-party websites is subject to their own privacy policies.
The website is not intended for children under the age of sixteen, who are also forbidden from creating an account or otherwise providing their personal information.
Further information about your rights under GDPR can be found at:

What information do we collect?

  1. Every time you visit our website, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the accessing computer:
    – Information regarding the used browser type and version
    – The user’s operating system
    – The user’s Internet service provider
    – The user’s IP address
    – Date and time of access
    – Websites from which the user’s system accesses our website

2. Information you provide voluntarily when you create an account or make a purchase: – Name; Contact details (such as e-mail address, physical address, telephone numbers); Payment information (billing address).

3. Information you provide when you personalize a product: – When you personalize a product on our website, you may provide text or images that contain personal information, such contact details.

4. Information you provide if you write a review or contact us: – If you provide any additional personal information when reviewing a product, our processing of all such information is governed by the applicable Ratings and Reviews terms and conditions. Please note that reviews posted on our website are public, so only include information you are comfortable being shared publicly.

5. Information you provide when you contact our team: – You have the option not to provide personal information. However, doing so may prevent you from using some of our website features or placing orders for our products. Similarly, if you decline to let us place certain cookies on your device, our website will only have limited functionality (see more information about cookies below).

Why do we collect this information?
We use the information that we collect about you to fulfill orders you have requested, to administer your account and generally to operate our business.
We may use the information we collect for analytic purposes to help us determine the level of services and products we offer, improve the ease of use of our sites or services (such as by remembering information you have already entered), enhance the security of our network and information systems.
The personal information collected on our website may also be used to directly communicate with you. Your e-mail, mailing and/or billing address may be used for welcome letters, order confirmation, upload confirmation, job status updates, billing information, reminders and technical service issues.
Information contained in data files uploaded to us for order fulfillment is received and stored by SARK Design and Engineering Ltd., but we do not use this information for any purpose other than fulfilling the requested job.
We do not support third-party advertising on our website.

Who has access to your information?
We limit access to your information to employees who have a need to use the information and are obligated to protect that information and keep it confidential.
Where necessary, personal data may be shared with the companies that are involved in the fulfillment of your orders, such as banks for payment, couriers.
We may also share the information as required or permitted by law, such as when we believe such disclosure is appropriate to cooperate with an investigation of activities claimed to be unlawful, to enforce our Terms and Conditions, or to protect our rights or property or those of others.

How do we protect your information?
We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards designed to help us protect your personal data against unwanted access as comprehensively as possible. We use an encryption mechanism on our pages. Your information is transferred from your computer to our server and vice versa via the Internet using TLS /Transport Layer Security/ encryption. You can see this by the fact that the lock symbol in the status bar of your browser is closed and the address bar begins with https://.
However, when you register at, the password you choose is only as effective as you make it. It is your responsibility to choose an appropriate password and to keep it confidential. You should not share this information with anyone, and you should always log out of website or service before leaving your computer to protect against others being able to access your information.

How long do we keep your information?
We only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is provided or because we are legally required to do so.

What rights do you have to access and control the use of your information?
When your personal data is processed, according to articles 15-21of GDPR , you have the rights to:

  • obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data are being processed
  • obtain correction if your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • have your personal information deleted (or altered so that you are not identifiable) or to restrict the ways in which we use your information – but in either case, only under specific circumstances prescribed by law
  • lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority

Haw you can exercise these rights?
If you want to verify, modify or delete your personal data stored by us for website and its sub-sites, you can email the data controller. In your email, clearly state your request and include the URL of the website/webpages your request refers to.
You may also exercise some of those rights on your own by going to My Account, and updating your personal information and preferences.

Cookies Policy

What are Cookies and why do we use them on our website?
Cookies are small text files that are saved on your device and can be read. A distinction is made between session cookies, which are deleted as soon as you close your browser, and permanent cookies, which are stored beyond the individual session. Cookies may contain data that makes it possible to recognise the device being used. In some cases, however, cookies only contain information on certain settings that cannot be related to individuals.
We use session cookies and permanent cookies on our websites. This processing is carried out on the basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR and in the interest of enabling and optimising the user experience and adapting the way in which our website is displayed.
We use “Third Party Cookies” (e.g. Google Analytics). We have no access to or control over cookies used by these companies or third-party websites. We suggest you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them. Google Analytics: .
By using cookies, we are able to store your preferences and other information on your computer. This saves you time by eliminating the need to enter the same information each time you visit our website or browse pages within a website.

How can you manage which cookies are placed on your device?
You can configure your browser so that it informs you about the use of cookies. This makes the use of cookies transparent for you. You can delete cookies at any time using the corresponding browser setting, as well as prevent the setting of new cookies. Please note, that our web pages may then not be displayed optimally and some functions may no longer be available for technical reasons. For example, you will not be able to place orders online, as our shopping cart functionality requires the use of cookies.

Applicable law
This Data protection and Cookies Policy is governed by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and by the national regulations applicable to the specific case, to the extent that such regulations remain in force subsequently to the implementation date of the Regulation (25 May 2018).
The Regulation ensures that the personal data processing takes place in compliance with the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the data subject, especially as regards the confidentiality, the personal identity and the right to personal data protection.
Pursuant to Article 77 GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the data protection regulation. You may lodge your complaint with a supervisory authority in the Member State of your habitual residence, your place or the place of the alleged infringement.

Changes to Data Protection and Cookies Policy
We reserve the right to modify this Data Protection and Cookies Policy from time to time, so please review it frequently.